Tolko Lumber Project Site Setup

This is a setup guide intended to explain everything you need to do to set up a Tolko Lumber Project Site. It may be a bit rough at the moment and some things may be missing but will hopefully improve over time.

Use DGS Packager to move all reports inputs and views. Do not move tables with packager

Add Thickness Width Length columns into aManager_Products table as ints

Use scripting within SQL Server Management Studio to move all tables, stored procedures, views and functions

Copy all Tables that start with KPI_, std_ and rpt_KPI_Comparison_Graph_Favourites

Copy the following views:

copy all sps that start with KPI_ or std_ and sp_FiscalYearToDate

Copy the following functions:

Make sure Modified and RunNum columns are in eManager_DT_Summary, if not add them and overwrite spUpdate_DT_Summary procedure with the new version that will update runnum and modified.

Set up all std Procedures to insert records into the std tables based on the machines at the new site (if machines are available)

If you need to copy any stations over (such as SM Queries) make sure that all the query commands in them are linking to the local database. If you are copying a PLC 5 station MAKE SURE YOU DISABLE IT after copying over. writing to the wrong PLC 5 address could actually kill someone.

Copy over KPI_Setup table data using the import/export feature in DGS

Copy over the standardized planer products from aManager_Products

Change StationID in std_Update_PMSorter Procedure

Replace all logos in reports views and inputs with that sites logo

Modify the KPI setup to match the machines on site

update run based KPIs to the proper station

Set KPI Display for all reports that need it (If you check the KPI Display on another site it will show which reports need it)

Update Report ID in all reports that need it (Any report that is included in KPI Display will need it)

Copy over Planer_Barcode station from another site and change the site ID in the DB Read. (This is likely irrelevant now due to the new zeus system)

Copy data from std_SMSpecies_List to new site.

Go through all views and change the KPI ID's the graphs are linked to if needed. If any of the view numbers are not showing, delete the tag and re drag and drop the new tag.

change KPI_IDs in PM Runs Detail table if needed.

Update “First Hour” KPIs in KPI Setup to link to the correct KPI IDs

Make a user group called NEW and add all the new reports inputs and views to it.